August: State of the Farm

Our tomatoes are exploding off the vine, along with many of our other crops. We are averaging about 3,000 pounds of produce harvested each week at  this point in the season.  The harvest is taking up a large portion of the Farm Crew's hours each week, but there's still all the maintenance work we have to keep up with, such as seeding, transplanting, weeding, pruning and trellising, and other chores.  With a year-round vegetable farm, the work never ends.

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February: State of the farm

February weather has arrived. We've got warmer air and some trees are even blooming. I checked in with some of the community gardeners from the front of the park this week and the word is that it is time to seed peas. If you haven't gotten your potato seed yet you better hurry because in our area it's best to plant them third week of February. We began seeding tomatoes and eggplants a couple of weeks ago. It's a great time to seed or transplant Brassicas and other cool season crops that don't require too much heat to germinate. 

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January: State of the farm

The new year is bringing changes of epic proportions to our farm. Seriously, if you haven't been out to Veggielution since November of last year, you will barely recognize it the next time you come out. Our new farm stand, packing shed, cooling shed, potluck area and demonstration kitchen are 2/3 complete. These buildings make up Veggielution Village, the new hub of the farm where folks will congregate. We've also made great progress on installing the irrigation system on our new four acres, and a second greenhouse is going up nicely. We've made great progress on the infrastructure that will make 2013 the biggest year for Veggielution to date. However, January is a critical month to get these projects completed so that we can start the year off right with new, completed facilities. We are still in need of new farm equipment, such as; a tractor and implements, irrigation supplies and hand tools. So please consider donating to support these projects.Read More