Eastside Grown

Veggielution’s Eastside Grown program connects 20 local food entrepreneurs and residents to each other and to infrastructure and resources that increase social connection, knowledge, and economic mobility. 

Learn more about our Cottage Food Operation Track!

Recruitment Method: We recruit participants directly from the surrounding East San José neighborhoods by conducting outreach in close partnership with a strong collective of four other place-based East San José nonprofit organizations. 

Program Objectives

  • Economic Mobility:  Position East San José as a leader in the implementation of successful models for economic mobility and collective impact

  • Culture Shift: Establish an active, committed, and lasting culture among community members, rooted in mutual care and collectivism

  • Local Leadership: Strengthen the capability and capacity of local, homegrown community leadership

Eastside Grown Timeline

Veggielution Cocina

Starting in 2015 we began hosting a community driven cooking class held every 1st Saturday of the month.

HomeGrown Talent

Starting in Fall 2016 Veggielution offered two six-month fellowships to a total of 12 low-income East San Jose residents through our new HomeGrown Talent program.

Food Truck

Created Eastside Grown, an urban community food hub that connects San José urban ag and food entrepreneurs with resources including our Food Truck. 

Food Carts

In 2018 following local implementation of SB 946, decriminalizing street food vending, started participating in events utilizing our Street Food Carts.

Jobs to Grow

The Sí Se Puede Collective’s Jobs to Grow program is a free educational program for entrepreneurs looking to emerge in the childcare and food business industry. 

 Eastside Grown in the Media