Spring State of the Farm Report
/Our compost system is working great, with several "windrow" piles in the pipeline at any given time.
When I took over as farm manager for Veggielution, half a year ago, I felt a huge amount of responsibility and pressure to maintain the quality of our relationship with the community we serve. I soon realized that I was not alone in this endeavor, and that the community is behind our mission, one hundred percent. Just this past week, we focused our efforts on the Silicon Valley Gives fundraising day with hopes of raising enough capital to maintain our programs and teaching capacities. Thanks to our awesome volunteer and donor support we raised over $40,000! One step closer to meeting our goal this year!
Corn, Squash, Kale, Chard, Cucumbers are all on their way in our "Section C" Plot.
As the season changes, from warm springtime sun to scorching summer heat, the farm crew is gearing up for the new and improved Summer Farm Box. This is our first year operating at a full capacity CSA Program on the glorious 6 acres of urban farmland! We will provide 110 shares to families and local food connoisseurs in San Jose. We recently successfully completed our first Winter Farm Box with many happy customers, and I have little doubt that this will be our best summer season ever..
We're currently installing a new sprinkler system in our greenhouses thanks to a grant from Patagonia.
A recently approved infrastructure grant from the Palo Alto Patagonia will provide us with enough funding to complete several necessary infrastructure improvements. We are installing rows of micro-sprinklers in both of the greenhouses, which will create a much more efficient watering system. In light of our current drought, this water conservation step is vital. In addition to these improvements, we will be purchasing new tractor equipment to speed up bed shaping and weeding, and the farm stand will soon house new racks and shelving to provide a better and more convenient shopping experience for everyone.
Though we've been growing every year here at the farm, sometimes it is tempting to list our accomplishments and assume progress is inevitable - that Veggielution will forever grow and flourish. In reality, there have been many highs, as well as some lows. Together we have endured many struggles, from crop failures and severe drought conditions, to wondering if we will raise enough money for the upcoming year. These difficult times have tested our courage, conviction, and community strength. Through all the hardships we have pulled together and united to create what we know as Veggielution today. So I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely and humbly thank all of our supporters, volunteers, board members, and staff for their unwavering support for our cause. We couldn't do it without you.
While we are all from different backgrounds, with different stories, or different beliefs, we all share the same hope. The hope of sharing nutritious, delicious, sustainably grown food with our friends and families. Together we can make this happen, and together we can make San Jose a better place for future generations.