Spring 2015: How's it Growing?
The farm is making the final transition into the summer-crop season. We have had an amazing time with all of our kale, collards, and other greens, but we are excited to start seeing some more red on the farm. Of course when we say ‘red’, we are referring to the tomatoes - we are actually starting to miss these out in the fields! We will start planting tomatoes in the coming weeks now that the weather has become consistently warm enough. There is something else red that we have growing as we speak. You guessed it, Strawberries! They are doing awesome and we got our first one a few days ago. Be on the look out for these in your CSA box or at the Farm Stand in the coming months!
Another area of the farm that is blossoming is our orchard. We've had incredible volunteers over the past few months plant new trees, maintain them, and prune the ones that have already been growing. We are hoping to see some fruit come off the trees this year, which will be a great addition to help diversify the farm’s produce options. If you'd like to personally help support the orchard, you are invited to adopt one of the fruit trees - find out how here.
Our greenhouse has been working overtime to produce all the seedlings and transplants for our awesome summer crops. Also, we have completed our hardening-off area in the greenhouse, which everyone on the farm crew is more than excited about - we now have a much larger space where we can protect our seedlings before transplanting them into the beds.
We still have a lot of action in the fields as we speak. Our south plot is doing extremely well. We have rows of radishes, beets, arugula, and potatoes that are growing all throughout the plot. All the other beds throughout the fields are eagerly awaiting their summer plants, and we are thrilled to start growing them for you! Look for Chinese broccoli and watermelon radish to be added to our summer produce selection. We are also excited for the first time ever to be able to offer a cut flower share alongside our Farm Box. Participate and you can pick up fresh, seasonal flowers weekly at the Farm Stand all summer long- sign up for the flower share here.
See you on the Farm soon!
Will Chen
Veggielution Farm Manager