Farming Interns
/The farming interns play an integral role at Veggielution through their hard work in growing fresh fruits and vegetables for the local community. They gain valuable training in a wide range of farm work that promotes the ideals of sustainable and organic growing. The internship requires strenuous physical labor and passion to complete the daily farm tasks while also carrying out side projects and leading volunteer workdays. Veggielution continues to grow with the collaboration of the farming interns, staff, and volunteers.
The interns spent hours digging up onions and garlic to hang and dry for storage.
Farming interns work alongside volunteers to keep the beds free of weeds.
Turning to the whiteboard to explain the processes of the greenhouse.
Interns are taught the special recipe to make the soil perfect for growing seedlings.
Interns put the recipe to the test.
Learning to form soil blocks.
Greenhouse training includes soil mixing and soil block formation for seeding.
The farm interns plant seeds to begin their growth in the greenhouses.
HealthCorps member, Mika, talks to the interns about hardening off seedlings.
Darin and Thien help set up two new irrigation lines.
HealthCorps member, Dave, supervises as Gene lays out another irrigation line.
The team lays out a new set of irrigation lines.