Thank You!
/Dear Veggielution supporter,
The season of giving thanks is upon us, and like many of you, I find it is the perfect reminder to reflect on the things for which I’m grateful. There are the obvious ones like my family, my friends, and my dog Stella. I’m also incredibly thankful that I’m part of a true oasis in the heart of busy Silicon Valley – a community farm called Veggielution.
When I started Veggielution seven years ago with Mark Medeiros and Monica Benevides, I did not fully comprehend what was in store for us. That our seed of an idea would turn into a thriving six acre farm, around which an incredible group of caring people regularly come together to farm, share food, and forge connections. And that by working together, we would have tangible and transformative effects on peoples’ lives – like helping an 8-year-old lower his cholesterol; like supporting an at-risk teenager with a safe environment for learning life and leadership skills; like helping a mother and daughter address their diabetes by teaching them to cook healthy; like creating ambassadors for change who spread messages of hope both locally and in other parts of the country.
Every day, I meet more of the wonderful people who give so much of themselves to serve others - and I am honored to be able to share in that spirit.
On this eve of the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you – one of those wonderful, wonderful people that make up our circle of donors, volunteers, and supporters of all things Veggielution. Our successes are yours too. I look forward to working with you as we continue to provide programs and services to all in our community who remain in need. Together we will truly make a difference.
With appreciation,
Amie Frisch
Executive Director