Workday Leader Class 2014
/Are you interested in learning more about farming? Have you been coming out to Veggielution for awhile and want to step up your involvement? Now’s the time to consider whether you want to become a Workday Leader. The commitments of a workday leader are simple:
- Facilitate workdays at least twice a month (Minimum 8 hours per month)
- Attend ongoing meetings / trainings and sign up on a workday schedule.
If you are ready to make this commitment for at least a year, the workday leader class is for you.
What is a Workday Leader
Workday Leaders help Veggielution facilitate other volunteers during our weekly workdays and work on all sorts of other projects around the farm. We encourage leadership in all volunteers, but Workday Leaders are asked to commit to an ongoing role and become a more experienced member of the farm team. Workday Leaders participate in ongoing trainings to build their leadership and agricultural skills. Bilingual language ability is strongly desired, as we are part of a large immigrant community that are reaching out to for more farm involvement.
The Class
Starting February 16, we will be holding a mandatory six week class to train new and continuing Workday Leaders. Each class will run from 11am to 3pm on Saturdays, with a hands on training before lunch, and a lecture segment afterwards. The course will give you the skills needed to run all kinds of farm tasks, and be conscious facilitators of our diverse community. Topics include: Volunteer management, Soil fertility, Integrated pest management, Tillage, Weed management, Greenhouse work, Composting, Worm composting, Traditional / Sustainable Agriculture vs. Industrial Agriculture, Diversity training, and much more.
email to register and for more details.