Nikki Nisby - Farm Box Participant

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Dear Veggielutionaries,

My name is Nikki Nisby, and I am one of the participants of Veggielution’s low-cost Farm Box program.

Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I decided to go the route of alternative treatments that I didn’t know were available.  In a majority of the treatments I researched,  it was necessary to change my eating habits. The specific treatment I decided to use required me to be a vegetarian and not eat sugars, sweets, and junk foods. Being able to get my veggies from Veggielution at an affordable price was a God send. My insurance doesn’t cover my treatments and supplements so I have to pay out of pocket. I was grateful to have one less thing to worry about.

Sometimes I’m faced with a decision, based on how much money I have left in my budget for the week, to buy a small amount of healthy organic foods or a large amount of non organic food to feed me and my family. I decided to feed my family organic and with that decision I knew I had to find a way to get it at an affordable price. I am able to accomplish  this thanks to the volunteers and staff at Veggielution.
If I was to go to a health food store or any grocery store to get the same amount of produce I would be paying three or four times more than the cost of my box from Veggielution.

The Farm Box has been so important to my family. My 12 year old daughter eats kale, bok choy, zucchini and carrots! It’s amazing! She is learning how to cook and learning the importance of organic veggies. Both my children love the farm, too.

Please donate to Veggielution this holiday season, so that they can continue to support families like mine. Without you, their work would be impossible.

Thanks so much,
Nikki Nisby