Grilled Corn with Nectarine


  • 4 ears of corn, husks and silk removed

  • olive oil

  • 1 chile pepper (such as jalapeño), minced (remove ribs and seeds for less heat)

  • juice of ½ lime

  • salt, to taste

  • 1 nectarine (or peach), pitted and thinly sliced

  • ⅓ c. chopped fresh basil

  • ¼ c. queso fresco or feta cheese (optional)


Preheat oven broiler, placing top rack so that it is 6 inches away from heating element.  Lightly oil the ears of corn with the olive oil and place in a baking dish.  Broil until blackened in spots, about 10-15 minutes, turning every 2 minutes.  Remove from oven and set corn on a plate to cool.  (Alternatively, cook corn on a grill until tender and starting to blacken.)  

When cooled, slice the kernels from the corn cobs using a sharp knife and add to a medium bowl.  Stir in the chile pepper and lime juice and add a bit of salt to taste.  Gently stir in the nectarine slices and the fresh basil.  Sprinkle with the queso fresco or feta cheese (if using).  Serve room temperature or chilled.