Initial Documentation

Prepare Documents

Make sure these documents are on display and visible for the inspector.

Valid Annual inspection tag

  • This is a brightly colored sticker with the expiration date on it.

Laminated information sheet

  • Name of food truck or food cart

    • This should be the name you submitted to the county. 

      • Example: Eastside Grown Veggielution <insert type of cart/truck> 

    • Every cart has a name. When the inspector comes by they’ll be able to match the name of the cart to the inspection papers submitted. 

  • Commissary kitchen

    • Name and address

Food handlers certificate

  •  They don’t generally ask for it, but you need to have it on you.

  • Best for a single individual to handle all certificates as to not disrupt the flow of business.

Mobile Food Facility Preparations

To learn how to operate the Veggielution Food Truck, see: How to Operate a Food Truck

To learn how to operate the Veggielution Food Cart, see: How to Operate a Food Cart

The Day Before

  • Take stock of the items and utensils in the mobile food facility you’ll need to serve and prepare food onsite (i.e. food boats, plastic utensils, napkins, cups, etc.).

  • Ensure there are sufficient sanitary items: Soap, latex gloves, aprons, face masks.

  • Ensure all pre-event food preparations are completed. 

  • Gather any ingredients and equipment that will be needed during the event itself.

  • Fill the water tank

    • Food Trucks: Screw one end of the hose into the spigot on the back of the driver’s side of the truck.

  • Ensure the generator has sufficient gas.

  • Ensure the truck is stocked with extra gas for refills during the event.

  • Update the blackboard with the event menu.

  • Collect printed materials from the Communications team (Chef bios, menus, handouts, flyers, labels, etc). 

  • Food Trucks: Charge the food truck batteries overnight, by plugging them into an electrical socket.

Day Of The Event

  • Arrive early! Be ready to serve food 30 minutes before the event opens.

    • You may want to arrive several hours early because getting the fridge and sink to appropriate temperatures may take a long time (especially on hot days).

    • Don’t be surprised if the food inspector arrives up to 30 minutes before the event starts.

  • Bring your California Food Handlers Card / Certificate.

  • Make sure you are healthy and not sick! Otherwise, please tell the Person in Charge that you cannot work the event.

  • Ensure your nails are clean.

  • Pull back any long hair.

Before The Event Begins

Food Cart Getting Started

  • Connect to the power outlet - if using a generator, set this up.

  • Turn on the refrigerator.

  • Turn on the propane and battery to get the water heated.

Food Truck Getting Started

  • Turn on the electricity.

  • Turn on the gas.

Common Preparation

  • The fridge must be below 40 F. Get the fridge running and cooling as early as possible. On hot days, it can take several hours to get the fridge to the proper temperature!

  • Test to make sure the sink can produce hot water at 100 F.

    • Food Trucks: Use the truck’s water-and-sink-specific digital thermometer. 

  • Wipe down all surfaces. Make sure carts are clean and any trash or packaging are neatly stored.

  • Food Carts: If using carts with display cases, fill the cases with your product.

  • Make sure signage and menus are in full view and easy to read for the customer.

  • Prepare a money apron and iPad for use. 

Common mistakes

  1. Underestimating how much time it takes to get hot and cold spaces to temp. 

    1. Example: Hot days will take longer for the fridge to get to temperature. Sometimes they need to be turned on the night before.

  2. Forgetting to turn on propane and realizing too late.

  3. Preparation and timeliness are the most common errors

Inspector disposition

What happens if an inspection fails? 

  • They will likely give you some time if things are not at temperature, they’ll come back later. 

  • Worst case is they will not let you serve food if things are not to temperature. 

  • They are often quite lenient. 

    • Since the cart is permitted for the year they will likely be lenient for these carts. 

    • It’s at the inspectors discretion.

After the event

You will need to help clean the truck or cart and dispose of waste appropriately. Refer to the Food Truck and Food Cart pages for more details.

Key Takeaways

  1. Inspections are usually casual and brief, but can have a large impact on your ability to serve food. 

  2. The most important parts are keeping things at the correct temperature and making sure you have all of the correct paperwork/certifications.

  3. The inspector will arrive at the beginning of the event. They might turn up at the beginning or 30 min before. Be ready to go 30 minutes before to ensure passing inspection.

  4. Inspections come without warning, so be prepared and on-time.

  5.  Expectation is inspectors just walk right up and do inspection.