Join us at Veggielution for our monthly Farm Party! Check out what we have planned for this month below. There will be no Cocina or brunch this month and will be back up in March 2023.
🌬 Air Pollution Workshop! Learn how to improve the air quality in your homes and the importance of breathing healthy air. There will also be food for those who registered, childcare, and entered in a raffle with a chance to win air purifiers and cooktop inductors! Register here.
🔧🚴 Bring your bike for free maintenance.
🎁🚴 Farm Box Bike Delivery 9am-10am
🪴 Youth Garden 10am-12:30pm
Our Environmental Education team will have garden activities! Bring a water bottle and a hat.
🍅 Farmstand 10am-2pm
Visit our Farm Stand and pick up some farm fresh veggies, fruits, and herbs for your kitchen.
📚 Resources
Learn about great community resources for you and your family. Promotoras from the Si Se Puede Collective will be there sharing resources.
🎟 Activity & Raffle!!
Participate in our Clean Air Activity and learn how you can take care of the environment and the air you breathe! By participating you’ll be entered into the raffle to win some great prizes.